Company / Group of experts to conduct the assessment of social accountability in health
| 27.01.2020
Position: Company/ Group of experts to assess the social accountability in health
The inquirer: CASMED NGO, Moldova
Place of work: Republic of Moldova
The project: “Towards health equity through social accountability”
Timeframe: estimated period between 24 February – 15 June 2020
Background information
Centre for Social and Medical Home Assistance (further listed as CASMED) is currently implementing the project “Towards health equity through social accountability” along with the partner HOMECARE Association and the leading partner Swiss Red Cross (SRC).
The project “Towards health equity through social accountability” is aiming to accompany the reform of the service delivery model and support civil society to hold providers and authorities accountable for the delivery of quality, accessible and affordable services.
The Project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Purpose of work
Under the overall guidance of CASMED team, the Company/ Group of experts will conduct a baseline assessment of the Social accountability of six health institutions from the project area (Balti, Drochia, Edinet, Soroca and Floresti), with the aim to identify and highlight needs and gaps of the health care delivery in these regions.
The following health institutions will be subjected to the assessment process:
- Balti Clinic Hospital
- Edinet District Hospital
- Floresti District Hospital
- Soroca District Hospital
- Drochia District Hospital
- Centre of Family Doctors from Drochia
More detailed description of applicant qualifications, scope of work, deliverables and information about the project can be found in the Annex 1. ToR_Assessment Social Accountability in Health which is integral part of this announcement.
It is expected that the Company/ Group of experts shall begin work by 24 February 2020 with work being completed by 15.06 2020.
- Desk review of existing data about Social accountability in health, including relevant research, official health data, published literature, reports from government and key stakeholders;
- Desk review and analysis of data and documents from the target health institutions related to the social accountability;
- Organize Focus groups and questionnaire survey to collect the opinions of local stakeholders and patients about the health services provided in the target rayons;
- Prepare assessment reports per each evaluated health institution and a general report per entire assessment process;
- Provide follow up support and guidance to the assessed health institutions in institutionalising the Social accountability approach.
Required skills and experience
Interested companies should meet the following qualification criteria which make the Applicant eligible for this assignment:
- Officially registered local legal entity (for organisations);
- At least 4 years of relevant experience in conducting specialized social, medical, sociological and other relevant qualitative and quantitative research studies;
- Available qualified team of experts with sociological and health backgrounds and experience in qualitative and quantitative surveys design and implementation, including baseline/end line research;
- Capacity to involve adequate number of trained and qualified staff (own human resources or attracted) for the field work in order to respond effectively to the ToRs requirements;
- Excellent language skills in Romanian and Russian;
- Strong writing skills in English;
- Conflict and gender sensitive working approach.
All logistics including travelling, food, accommodation (where needed) as well as arranging the activities and meetings related to the assignment are under the responsibility of the Company / group of experts and must be reflected in the technical and financial proposal.
Application process
The Company/ Group of experts is expected to submit technical and financial proposals, separately, and include the following components:
- Company / group of experts’ profile (s) includig past achievements;
- Current CVs of the company’s team;
- Technical proposal, comprising a detailed work plan;
- Financial proposal, including proposed fee (lump sum);
- Annexes: Any documents, which the Service Provider feels will assist the review team in evaluating the proposal.
CASMED reserves the right to request additional references and documents if needed.
All applications in Romanian or English should be submitted to the email address casmed.SAccproject@gmail.com indicating in the email subject “Assessment Social Accountability in Health” not later than 13th of February, 2020, 6:00 PM, Moldova local time.
For printed applications to indicate the mail address Moldova, Bălți, MD-3100, 51 /81 Mircea cel Bătrân Str., CASMED, and using the same Subject on the envelop. Contacts for additional information: tel: 023127674/ 069834207, Livia Golovatîi, Project Coordinator.
Incomplete applications or applications sent after the indicated deadline will not be subject to tender analysis.