Victor G. is 64 years old and enjoys being visited, watching the news on television, and listening to the radio. He has had a motor disability since childhood and today has no relatives or friends to care for him and help him with household chores.

Ecaterina Z., a 78-year-old woman, lives alone and has no family. She recently suffered a hip fracture that has left her bedridden. Prolonged bed rest has brought with it other challenges – skin lesions, loss of appetite, and depression. Ecaterina requires daily professional medical procedures to help her recover.

What’s it like to be 77 years old and not see with both eyes? Valentina N., despite the hardships of life that have caused her to lose her sight and health, knows how to remain a positive and optimistic person. Every day, it’s difficult for her to independently meet her needs, so she relies heavily on the care and support of those around her.
We know how and can make the lives of these people better. They have dreams, hobbies, and plans for the future, and they need support and encouragement to know that they matter.
They all want someone to visit them regularly, to say a kind word, and even to bring them a cup of water, which is difficult to do with the well at the end of the street.
„CASMED” NGO provides social and medical home care services to support the elderly and adults with disabilities. For 13 years, the social workers and medical assistants on the CASMED team have been going to their homes and helping in whatever way they can: they cook them meals, take care of their homes, bring them water and firewood, monitor their health, and motivate them to stay active.
Together we can help more elderly people receive professional care at home and have a dignified old age. Lend a hand and choose to donate once or monthly.
The Public Association „CASMED”
Balti Municipality, bd. Mircea cel Batran, 81, of. 51
Tax code: 1010620009171
IBAN : MD20MO2224ASV74870767100