

President of the Board

Sergiu Mihailov

President of the Board

Member of the Board

Aurelia Zaporojan

Member of the Board

Member of the Board

Natalia Mereuță

Member of the Board

Administrative Team

She has been involved in strategic direction management and project implementation oversight since January 2011, ensuring the promotion of a culture of continuous professional development within the CASMED team to better serve the community.

Natalia Postolachi

Executive Director

As a Project Coordinator since June 2014, she has taken on the role of Head of the Training and Continuing Education Department, meticulously overseeing the teaching activities and continuous training courses offered by the organization.

Livia Golovatîi

Training and Continuing Education Department Coordinator; Project coordinator

As the Coordinator of the Service Development Department at CASMED since June 2014, he brings with him extensive expertise in the fields of IT, Monitoring, and Evaluation, contributing to the growth of efficiency and innovation within the organization.

Andrian Buga

Service Development Department Coordinator

Working as the Chief Accountant and Coordinator of the Financial Department at „CASMED” NGO since 2015, she showcases her strong financial management skills, thereby solidifying the organization’s financial stability and integrity.

Olga Moraru

Coordonatoare al Departamentului financiar; Contabilă-șefă

She has been joining the CASMED team in October 2021. She supports local authorities in developing age-friendly communities, thereby contributing to the promotion of an inclusive and supportive social environment for all community members.

Doina Petreanu

Project coordinator; Community mediator

Working at CASMED since 2017, she plays a pivotal role in establishing and developing senior citizen groups. She guides the team of psychologists who provide psychosocial support to Ukrainian refugees, thereby contributing to community strengthening.

Ana Spînu

Project coordinator; Community mediator

She has been joining the „CASMED” NGO team in January 2024. She is recognized for her expertise in developing and implementing financial strategies, excelling in areas, such as financial forecasting, budgeting, and organizational development.

Ana Pricop

Financial manager

Joining the CASMED team in April 2022, she has been providing crucial humanitarian support to Ukrainian refugees, actively engaging in delivering the necessary aid and contributing to improving the living conditions and lives of these individuals in need.

Anastasia Selivestru

Project coordinator

She has been working at „CASMED” NGO since 2020. She is responsible for managing projects and organizing seminars in various fields, distinguished by her active involvement in strengthening ties and improving the lives of the local community.

Ina Cojocaru

Community relations specialist

She has been working at „CASMED” NGO since 2020. She is responsible for managing projects and organizing seminars in various fields, distinguished by her active involvement in strengthening ties and improving the lives of the local community.

Aliona Ciobanu

Social assistant; Employment assistance specialist

Joining the CASMED team in March 2023, she has brought her professionalism to bear in coordinating the team of social workers and caregivers who provide home care services, making a significant impact in supporting the local community.

Tatiana Nedelcu

Social assistant

She has been joining the „CASMED” NGO team in 2020. She became the primary driving force behind the recruitment process, development and implementation of HR procedures, and the overall management of all HR-related aspects.

Natalia Babira

Human Resources (HR) Specialist

Since October 2023, she has been actively involved in promoting the organization’s image and activities, while providing support in the organization of project activities, thereby contributing to the increased visibility of CASMED within the community.

Ana Spatari

Public Relations (PR) Manager

As a project assistant at CASMED since February 2024, he provides essential support in the planning and organization of project activities, contributing to the efficiency and successful implementation of these activities for the benefit of the community.

Daniel Soroceanu

Project assistant

Joining the CASMED team in February 2023, she has been providing vital assistance to refugee children in managing their schoolwork, thereby facilitating their integration into the new community and enhancing communication during these challenging times.

Tatiana Bondarenco


Since 2019, he has been responsible for the maintenance of the Association’s vehicle fleet, thereby contributing to the efficient operation of activities and ensuring the proper functioning of the infrastructure needed to carry out activities in the community.

Victor Surdu

Technical support specialist

Since joining CASMED in 2023 as a driver, he has been ensuring the transportation of the psychology team to intervention regions, thereby contributing to the efficiency and timeliness of the organization’s actions in supporting the communities it serves.

Viorel Gheorghiță


Joining the CASMED team in February 2024, he has taken on the responsibility of ensuring the transportation of the psychology and medical assistant team, thereby contributing to the efficiency of the organization’s actions in supporting the communities it serves.

Iulian Roșca


CASMED Recovery Center Team

Joining the CASMED team in 2012, she brought her expertise as a physiotherapist specializing in motor and somato-functional rehabilitation, supporting patients in their recovery process after surgeries or accidents.

Ala Brînză


A member of the CASMED team since 2015, she brings the experience and care needed to provide effective and comfortable massage therapies, thereby contributing to the improvement of patients’ health and well-being.

Iulia Brumari

Massage therapist

Joining the CASMED team in 2022, she brought her expertise in the field of massage therapy. She contributes to the improvement of patients’ health, providing personalized therapies in their healing and rehabilitation process.

Alina Draganel

Massage therapist

Joining the CASMED team in August 2020, she brought expertise and care in providing massage therapies, supporting patients in their recovery process, and promoting relaxation and comfort within the Recovery Center.

Anna Dreglea

Massage therapist

Embarking on his career as a massage therapist at the CASMED in February 2024, he demonstrates empathy and care for each patient, ensuring that he adapts his techniques to provide them with the best possible experience.

Victor Lebediuc

Massage therapist

Whether it’s a simple cold or a more complex medical issue, she approaches each situation with the same level of attention and dedication, ensuring that each child receives the appropriate treatment for their needs.

Ala Rusuhan


Since 2022, she has been providing compassionate care to every patient. Using a personalized approach, she assesses each patient’s individual needs and recommends the most suitable services available at the center.

Tatiana Botezatu

General practitioner

She became a receptionist at the CASMED Recovery Center in January 2023. Her responsibilities include welcoming and guiding visitors, managing appointments, and ensuring an efficient and organized workflow within the center.

Marina Cozmac


Joining the „CASMED” NGO in 2022 as a psychologist, she provides psychological counseling to Ukrainian refugees, utilizing both individual and group therapy to aid their recovery and adaptation to their new environment.

Ana Antipova


Joining the CASMED team in June 2023, she provides psychological counseling to Ukrainian refugees. She focuses on helping them effectively manage their emotions, thereby facilitating their personal development.

Natalia Jurjiu


Mobile team of psychologists

She joined the CASMED team in June 2022. As a psychologist, she provides psychosocial support to refugees from Ukraine, as well as resources for stress and trauma management, helping to facilitate their adaptation and recovery process.

Ana Duminică


She joined the CASMED team in June 2022. She provides psychosocial support to refugees from Ukraine, with a focus on women and children, helping them cope with trauma, and contributing to their adaptation and recovery process in the new reality.

Lilia Nacai


He joined the CASMED team in June 2023. As a psychologist, he focuses on facilitating the personal development of adolescents, offering guidance in navigating age-specific challenges, contributing to the healthy and balanced development.

Sandu Solcan


Since June 2023, she has been a valuable asset to the CASMED team. Working with people with special needs, she provides essential support to Ukrainian refugee families. Her expertise helps them effectively manage their emotional well-being.

Iuliana Melenti


Nurse Team

She became a part of the CASMED team in 2018. She provides home medical care in Bălți, Fălești and surrounding areas, thus improving access to healthcare and quality of life in vulnerable communities.

Alexandra Chihai

Nurse – Fălești District

She joined the team in 2021. She works in the Fălești district, focusing on the city of Fălești, the village of Făleștii Noi and Albinețul Vechi. Thus, she contributes to the promotion of well-being in the communities in the region.

Tatiana Tomac

Nurse –  Fălești District

She joined the CASMED team in 2022. She plays a key role in supporting communities in the Fălești district, the village of Făleștii Noi, Albinețul Vechi and the city of Fălești, by promoting access to healthcare services.

Angela Muzica

Nurse – Fălești District

She has been part of the CASMED team since 2018, providing home-based medical care in Balti, Falesti, and the surrounding areas, thus improving access to healthcare and quality of life in vulnerable communities.

Maria Revenco

Nurse – Bahrinești, Florești, Edineț District

She has been part of the AO “CASMED” team since May 2021, assisting residents of the Edinet district. She focuses on providing home-based care in the village of Trinca, ensuring access to healthcare services in this area.

Veronica Petrovici

Nurse – Trinca, Edineț District

She has been part of the team since 2022, providing home-based medical care in the village of Tyrnova in the Edinet district. Through her dedication and expertise in the field of medicine, she promotes the well-being in the community.

Larisa Leanca

Nurse – Tîrnova, Edineț District

Since 2019, she has been a vital member of the CASMED team serving the rural community of Gordineștii Noi in the Edinet district. Her dedication has demonstrably improved the health and well-being of residents.

Valentina Vicol

Nurse – Gordineștii Noi, Edineț District

Since joining the CASMED team in 2019, she has provided essential home medical care to residents of the village of Gordineștii Noi in the Edinet district, significantly contributing to the community’s overall health.

Silvia Pîntea

Nurse – Gordinești, Edineț District

Caregivers and social workers team

As a member of the AO “CASMED” team since February 2017, she provides social services in the village of Cuizăuca from the Rezina district, thus contributing to improving the well-being of beneficiaries.

Maria Bârcă

Social care worker – Cuizăuca, Rezina District

She began her work at “CASMED” in January 2023. She works in the village of Țirnova from the Edineț district, helping beneficiaries to maintain functional autonomy as much as possible.

Mariana Costețcaia

Social care worker – Tîrnova, Edineț District

She became a part of the “CASMED” team in April 2017, working in the village of Racovăț, Soroca district. Through her work, she makes a significant contribution to supporting vulnerable people.

Liudmila Braniște

Social care worker – Racovăț, Soroca District

She joined the “CASMED” team in May 2018, providing home care services in the village of Gribova from Drochia/ Thus, she improves the quality of life and supports the independence of vulnerable people in the community.

Mariana Pîrțu

Social care worker – Gribova, Drochia District


She has been a member of the “CASMED” team since May 2018, working in the village of Petreni, Drochia district. Through her social services, she contributes to improving the quality of life and supporting vulnerable people in the community.

Svetlana Cebanu

Social care worker – Petreni, Drochia District

She joined the “CASMED” team in January 2019, working in the village of Sofia from the Drochia district. She provides social support and home care to the villagers, ensuring them a decent life in their own homes.

Galina Brînzei

Social care worker – Sofia, Drochia District

She became a part of the “CASMED” team in November 2017, working in the village of Băxani from the Soroca district. Through her work, she supports vulnerable people and promotes social inclusion in the community.

Ludmila Guilă

Social care worker – Băxani, Soroca District

Working in the village of Lopatnic from the Edineț district since August 2021, she helps vulnerable people maintain functional autonomy as much as possible to continue living in their own homes with dignity and respect.

Cristina Bordian

Social care worker – Lopatnic, Edineț District


She joined the AO “CASMED” team in October 2019. She works in the village of Gordinești from the Edineț district,  promoting inclusion and supporting vulnerable people.

Natalia Cebaniuc

Social care worker – Gordinești, Edineț District

She works in the village of Bocșa-Risipeni from the Fălești district. Through her services, she improves the well-being of beneficiaries

Maria Ilcov

Social care worker – Risipen-Bocșa, Fălești District

She became a part of the AO “CASMED” team in February 2021. She works in the city of Edineț, supporting the local community, and improving living conditions for beneficiaries.

Vera Postolachi

Social care worker – Edineț, Edineț District


As a member of the AO “CASMED” team since June 2017, she carries out social service activities in the village of Fundurii Vechi from the Glodeni district, improving the quality of life in the community.

Agafia Poiană

Social care worker – Fundurii Vechi, Glodeni District


She joined the CASMED team in July 2014. She works in the village of Făleștii Noi, Fălești district. Through her social services, she supports the local community in improving the quality of life for vulnerable people.

Liudmila Rotari

Social care worker – Făleștii Noi, Fălești District

She has been working at NGO “CASMED” since January 2023 in the village of Prajila in Florești district. Through her services, she supports the local community and helps to improve the living conditions of the beneficiaries.

Lilia Puiu

Social care worker – Prajila, Florești District

She has been working at NGO “CASMED” since January 2024 in the village of Mărăndeni in Fălești district. Through her services, she supports the local community and helps improve the living conditions of the beneficiaries.

Irina Licimaniuc

Social care worker – Mărăndeni, Fălești District


She works in the village of Corpaci in Edinet district. Through her involvement, she makes a significant contribution to supporting vulnerable people and improving the quality of life in this community.

Violina Cobiac

Social care worker – Corpaci, Edineț District


She has been working at NGO “CASMED” since August 2016 in the village of Pietrosu Nou Falesti district. Through her involvement, she improves the quality of life and supports vulnerable people in the community.

Angela Vigulearschi

Social care worker – Pietrosu Nou, Fălești District

She has been part of the “CASMED” team since January 2022. She works in the village of Gribova in Drochia district, helping to improve the quality of life and support vulnerable people in the community.

Diana Grozavu

Social care worker – Gribova, Drochia District

She works at NGO “CASMED” in the village of Cușmirca in Șoldănești district. Through her services, she helps vulnerable people and improves living conditions in this community.

Olga Cușnir

Social care worker – Cușmirca, Șoldănești District

She works in the village of Mihăileni, Rîșcani district. Through her involvement, she improves the quality of life and supporting vulnerable people in the community.

Rodica Dudnic

Social care worker – Mihăileni, Rîșcani District

She works in the village of Viișoara, Edineț district. Through her involvement, she improves the quality of life and supports vulnerable people in the community.

Corina Cebotari

Social care worker – Viișoara, Edineț district

She works in the village of Cuhureștii de Sus, Florești district. Through her involvement, she contributes to improving the quality of life and supporting vulnerable people in the community.

Ina Ciobanu

Social care worker – Cuhureștiii de Sus, Florești

She works in the village of Bahrinești, Florești district. Through her involvement, she contributes to improving the quality of life and supporting vulnerable people in the community.

Victoria Dolganiuc

Social care worker – Bahrinești, Florești

She works in the village of Hiliuți, Fălești district. Through her involvement, she contributes to improving the quality of life and supporting vulnerable people in the community.

Lucia Marjin

Home care worker – Hiliuți, Fălești

She works in the village of Camenca, Glodeni district. Through her involvement, she contributes to improving the quality of life and supporting vulnerable people in the community.

Dorina Dubinschi

Home care worker – Camenca, Glodeni

She works in the village of Obreja Veche, Fălești district. Through her involvement, she contributes to improving the quality of life and supporting vulnerable people in the community.

Silvia Tereniuc

Home care worker – Obreja Veche, Fălești district