Rural Civil Society Organizations as Proactive Actors in the provision and development of community services and promotion of European Integration
| 10.04.2018Duration period: 01.08.2014 – 31.05.2018
Project budget: 74’560 USD
Donor: US Agency for International Development (USAID) through the program “Partnership for a Sustainable Civil Society in Moldova”, managed by FHI 360.
The project aims at strengthening the network of the NGOs providers of community services in the North of the country.
Project objectives:
- Facilitate partnership between NGOs from rural area and local/regional public administration on contracting social services in these communities;
- Strengthen the competencies of the NGOs from rural area in providing social services at home;
- Enhance the visibility of civil society organizations and increase community awareness regarding the needs of the elderly;
- Promote european integration of the Republic of Moldova.