Maintaining care for the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic in Transylvania and Republic of Moldova
| 05.06.2020
Implementation period: May – July 2020
Project budget: 24.900 EUR
Partners: Caritas Alba Iulia
Donor: Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation
The aim of the project is to maintain and improve the capacity and operational security of the NGO “Caritas Alba Iulia” and of the NGO “CASMED” in the special conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Project activities include:
- Purchase of protective equipment for field caregivers;
- Reorganization of human resources of the “Caritas Alba Iulia” NGO;
- Conducting online experience exchanges between Caritas Alba Iulia caregivers and CASMED nurses;
- Creation of a telephone service that would inform the population about the COVID-19 virus and possible treatment methods.