The beneficiaries draw me as a family member
| 04.08.2020“Why my child not speaking yet?”
“This question, which worries many parents, was addressed to me many times, as I am a speech therapist. Given my love for children (my first specialty is “nurse for children”) a huge desire to help them overcome speech barriers, and to inspire the parents that everything will be fine, I decided to study the speech therapy at the faculty of “Defectology” of the “Ion Creanga” Chisinau Pedagogical Institute. During the five years of studies, I acquired knowledge and skills, which help me to carry out my daily activity “, tells us Mrs. Zinaida Aramă, speech therapist within the Glodeni Mobile Team.
Mrs. Zinaida is a very energetic, sincere, kind person, with a desire to do good, and her colleagues have only words of appreciation for her.
“She is a woman with a beautiful soul, wise, generous and strong. Although life has put her to the test many times, she has always found the strength to move forward, she has been able to listen to her inner voice, to have confidence in her own energy and look the truth in the face. She is a loving, but also a demanding mother, a tolerant grandmother and a true friend”.
“I am inspired by the involvement and accuracy of the thoughts with which she prepares for the work with children. Mrs. Zinaida is the single speech therapist in Glodeni district, and we are very lucky to have her as a colleague and a specialist in our Mobile Team”.
In more than 30 years of activity as a speech therapist, Mrs. Zinaida managed to bring happiness in the eyes of parents and a smile on the children’s faces, who got attached to her as a family member: “Children were drawing me in their drawings, together with their parents, brothers, sisters. Some families I have helped before are eager to see me even now”.
The family plays a very important role in the recovery process of the child, so Zinaida strives to involve the parents as much as possible in this regard: “I make sure that parents participate in our activities, see and learn different exercises, that they organize with the child in my absence and through their presence, give the child, confidence in his own strengths “, shares our colleague.
Mrs. Zinaida’s great joy are the 4 grandchildren, whom she is waiting for with great pleasure and for whom she cooks delicious dishes.
Zinaida loves to travel, she had the opportunity to see countries like Germany, Russia, Romania. Her biggest dream is to visit Italy.