Together we are EUROPE
| 19.01.2015As of 1st of April CASMED started the second campaign “Together we are EUROPE”. The campaign will last till June 1st. It is a part of the “Rural Civil Society Organizations – active players for delivery of community services and promotion of the European Integration” project. The campaign represents a series of activities designed to raise the degree of knowledge about the European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, which the citizens of rural and urban communities poses. It also aims to help the participants become active citizens. The European message will be promoted by organizing “Europe Hour” educational activities, designing flyers and posters about EU, asphalt-painting contests, distributing books, organizing a flash-mob on the Day of Europe. These activities will bring Europe closer to our citizens.
This campaign is implemented due to the generous help of the American people via USAID. The opinions expressed by the authors do not reflect necessarily the position of USAID or US Government.