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Find your place and assert yourself in the community!

NGO CASMED launched a new service dedicated to people with disabilities to support them in finding a job. We can help you to find a job according to your expectations and skills.
Learn more
Supported employment of people with disabilities includes services on identifying, obtaining and maintaining a paid and stable job.
Supported employment is a process based on the needs, skills and desires of people with disabilities who need support in finding a job.

How the supported employment is done?

Establishing contact and involving the beneficiary
Elaboration of the vocational profile
Job identification
Employer’s involvement
Workplace assistance and post-employment monitoring

The benefits of supported employment

You manage yourself your salary, you can support your family, you can buy the things you need.
Multiple support
The state continues to pay you the disability allowance even after you have been employed
You grow professionally, in the future you can aspire to a better job.
Stage of contribution
Once reaching retirement age, you will get a higher pension allowance.
You increase your circle of friends and acquaintances and can discuss a wider range of topics.
Team membership
Team work makes you strive for common goals and success will bring you the satisfaction of appreciation and recognition.
People see you as an independent person, who works and makes useful things for the society.

Find your place and assert yourself in the community!

Benefits to hire a person with disabilities

People with disabilities who have been looking for a job for a long time will appreciate the job obtained and will be devoted.
The stat subsidizes job creation and adaptation, as well as taxes for salaries paid to the employed people with disabilities.
Employing persons with disabilities, you ensure complying with the legal framework, which provides for the social inclusion of people with disabilities, including their integration into the labor market.
Your company will be recognized as a socially responsible one and as a caring and friendly employer.
Person with disabilities who has the right qualifications and skills for the job you are proposing, can perform the tasks efficiently like any other qualified specialist of even bette.
Employees with disabilities could bring a new vision and practices into your company, based on their life experience.
In a company where there is diversity and the life experiences of employees with and without disabilities are taken into account, teams tend to be more receptive, productive, creative and more inventive in finding efficient solutions.

Give people with disabilities a chance, just like to everyone else!

Give persons with disabilities the opportunity to have an interesting and independent life with unique moments! They will appreciate and will be grateful for that!

What says our beneficiaries!

Ana Moraru
Într-o companie în care există diversitate și se iau în considerație experiențele de viață ale angajaților, cu și fără dizabilități, aceștia sunt mai receptivi, productivi, creativi și mai inventivi în găsirea de soluții eficiente.
The Supported Employment program is developed with the support of the Economic Policy Advice to the Moldovan Government project, implemented by GIZ Moldova with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
© Casmed - 2021